So, I suppose I owe it to you all -- if there even is a "you all" who still read this blog -- to recap what has been going on in the life of Molz.
On Mother's Day (05 2008) I made a phone call to my Mum to wish her a happy day of the Mom. Instead of the usual friendly banter of what's new, it took an unpleasant turn to worry. She was having trouble swallowing and an endoscopy had found a mass in her throat/esophagus. Now, let's be honest, we all want to be positive and light-hearted about such findings, but with our family history, worry was the order of the day. Of course, I didn't let my Mother know my distraught, and reassured her that all may be okay. Meanwhile, what was really going on with me was an overpowering feeling of doom; a dark shadow that was swiftly spreading throughout my body whispering the words, oh, no.
Over the next few weeks we found that it was indeed cancerous. Things deteriorated to the point where my mother couldn't eat. I had planned on coming home to visit mid June anyway, so against my instinct and out of respect for my mother who requested I wait, I came home as planned (okay, I bumped it up a few days, but she doesn't know). This trip gave me a chance to see for myself, first hand, what was really going on. Being on the other side of the globe and getting information second hand was incredibly difficult and upon my arrival, it was obvious -- I was moving back home.
That leads into "THE BIG MOVE BACK".
I returned to Thailand and my supportive fiance, and together we closed everything up, ready to move back in 3 weeks. (this is a long story in itself and will have to wait.) The only thing that I regret is that my beloved cat, Chumpoo, could not come with us. How I miss that cat. I can't even explain to you how much that cat meant to me. She was my confidant, little sidekick and best friend. Yeah, I said it, so what? Roll your eyes if you must, that cat was one in a million.
(Re)welcome to America:
The theme song was "I want to live in Ah-mer-ica" from West Side Story. We were looking at the positive. We were ready to see some family and spend some time with friends. Ah, the crisp New England air (in July), the "red snappers" hot dogs, pot roast and traffic rules -- it was good to be back. We jumped from place to place, home to home, pullout couch to pullout couch, visiting and trying not to brag of life exotic.
I went to doctors appointments, double-checked facts and cooked and cleaned. I was here and it was much better than being on the outside and helpless. I was glad to be with my Mum, I love her tremendously.
Sound The Wedding bells!
Screw September 2009, let's go with THIS September! Why not? We're here. My Mum will be there, older relatives... let's do this! (In hindsight -- holy crap. We planned a wedding in 2 months. That's crazy! But then again, it just goes to show that you don't really need a year + to plan. Although in some aspects, I wish I had.) So September 13, 2008 was deemed the day o' love between Molly and Erik and off we went on crazy long-distance planning (Erik was in Mass at the time and I in Maine with my Mum). Stress and more stress, tears of both joy and extreme frustration, hugs and shrugs, kisses and "kiss my ass", and all the other lovely struggles of a new couple trying to cope with planning the wedding they want while also readjusting to life in America and trying to assist an ailing family member. Oh, what fun! But we got through it.

The day was pretty much perfect and everyone had a blast. (this lends itself to a longer piece as well). Another major life occurrence complete!
So as you see, we've been very busy with life. Every challenge and quibble that crosses our path we take in stride. It's all part of the crazy journey of life. And what a crazy journey it has been and continues to be.
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